Yearling Time

Yearling Time

Monday, November 18, 2019

We now have 23 yearlings in. Over the past couple of weeks we have just been trotting and cantering them around our ring. It gives us a chance to start pairing them up with the correct riders and learning what they like under a controled environment. Most of them have been broken by Jamie and Judy Magee. They come in with a brilliant eduction but are still green and lacking experience. This morning they ventured out of Weathercock and cantered half a mile on the all weather gallop at Kingsdown. They all behaved very well. They will continue to do this up untill christmas eve 6 days a week. The aim is to try and get them to behave but also teach them to go forward nicely with soft mouths and in a relaxed way.

At Christmas time they have flu and EHV vaccinations and start up cantering again in the next year. It is importantant they are fit and healthy when they have their vaccinations as it can take a lot out of them. This is alsowhy we give them a bit more time the the older horses before getting them going again.

I am very lucky to have 4 talented apperentices, unfortunatley for them they are saddled with the cheeky yearlings!

We will not have many runners list week but all that are running have live chances. Hopefully we will hit 50 winners by the end of thr week.